548  Remainder

Name : _________________



If a number is divided by 7 and 8, the remainder for the both is 6. What is the smallest possible number?

If a number is divided by 6 and 5, the remainder for the both is 1. What is the smallest possible number?

어떤수를 3 로 나누거나 8 로 나누었을때,
모두 나머지가 2 일때, 가장작을수 있는
어떤수는 얼마일까?

If a number is divided by 10 and 7, the remainder for the both is 3. What is the smallest possible number?

If a number is divided by 3 and 6, the remainder for the both is 2. What is the smallest possible number?

If a number is divided by 11 the remainder is 9, and divided by 3, the remainder is 1. What is the smallest possible number?

If a number is divided by 6 the remainder is 2, and divided by 9, the remainder is 5. What is the smallest possible number?

어떤수를 10 로 나누면 나머지가 9 이고,
8 로 나누면, 나머지가 7 일때,
가장작을수 있는 어떤수는 얼마일까?

If a number is divided by 11 the remainder is 7, and divided by 10, the remainder is 6. What is the smallest possible number?

If a number is divided by 12 the remainder is 7, and divided by 7, the remainder is 2. What is the smallest possible number?

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++[[          ]]++

548    62 31 26 73 8 ( 200 )   31 14 39 106 79 ( 269 )   [[ 469 ]]